JOAD: Beginner Group
Program Type: Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD)
Program Level: Beginner
Minimum Age Requirement: 10 (at the time of their 1st session as a CIA club member; due to required safety around larger than usual groups, conscientiousness of body movement/form during training, and maturity/calmness in stressful tournament situations)
Maximum Age Allowance: 20 (as this age is considered part of the “Collegiate” age category by USAA, the student may stay in the Saturday/Sunday JOAD program and shoot for JOAD pins until the month of their 21st birthday; in the month of the student’s 21st birthday the student is REQUIRED be moved to the Sunday AAP program and shoot for AAP pins)
Classes Are Held: 1st four (4) weekends of every month, unless specifically advised in writing on the primary club website (in the “Monthly Book” section), on Slack in “Announcements” channel and/or advised on the shared group Google Calendar for tournament/event/class schedules.
Date/Time For This Group Specifically: Saturday @ 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
- showing up a 15 minutes earlier then normal class start time is advised to put together or acquire your equipment for a prompt class start
- showing up 30 minutes earlier then normal class start time on the last class of the month (pin shoot) is HIGHLY advised to ensure the student has equipment put together or acquired and he had done do stretch before starting promptly
- Out of courtesy for each group’s allotted time on weekends, questions from parents or students should be addressed either before their own group’s class start time or addressed outside of class (email, text, phone, Slack, Zoom, etc) to ensure that the following group has their allowance of required assistance from the Coach as well
- Completion of an Insurance Waiver and Release
- Safety Lesson Completed with any USAA Certified Coach / Instructor (verification required)
- Been invited to join the California Indoor Archer (aka "the CIA") by both Coaches after all the following prerequisites have been met and when there is available space in the JOAD Beginner Group:
- successfully adhere to safety protocols and rules of the range at all times and is able to successfully pass a written Entry "Knowledge Quiz" with no less than a score of 85% (or a verbal version of the same quiz)
- consistently shoot from at least the 20 yard / 18 meter Shooting Line at a 40cm targe
- Actively competes in a minimum of:
- ANY 2 tournaments of their choosing each year (see shared Google tournament/events calendar)